Monday, May 28, 2012

49 days

Foods Calories Carbs Fat Protein

Tasti - Meganuts Bar Double Choc, 40 grams 212 17g 13g 6g


M&S Tentation Apple - Apple, 150 g - 1 apple 68 18g 0g 1g
Generic - Avocado-Small, 0.25 avocado 60 2g 4g 1g
Signature Range (Nz) - Edam Cheese 1kg, 20 g 69 1g 5g 5g
Prior - Kokt Egg, 3 egg 210 0g 18g 21g
Freyas - Sandwich Thins, Soy & Linseed, 67.5 g 1 sandwich 176 23g 3g 9g
Signature Range (Nz) - Edam Cheese 1kg, 20 g 69 1g 5g 5g


M&S Tentation Apple - Apple, 150 g - 1 apple 68 18g 0g 1g
Signature Range (Nz) - Edam Cheese 1kg, 80 g 276 4g 21g 19g


Pop'n'good - Light & Buttery Naturally Flavoured Popcorn 150g, 50 g 232 33g 9g 0g
Cadbury - Crunchie Treat Size, 3 bar 258 40g 10g 2g
Woolworths Homebrand - Lite Milk, 125 ml 58 6g 2g 4g
Nestle - Milo (Nz) 530g Container, 45 g 186 29g 5g 5g
TOTAL: 1942 192g 95g 79g

Food Notes: If every day were like today... You'd weigh 139.2 kg in 5 weeks

Okay, so the eating was going well until I hit the afternoon snacks. Damn it. Should have had a protein shake. 

Did my 4th 10km walk and it was hard. I really need to get some walks in before the next one in 3 weeks.

Exercises Calories Minutes Sets Reps Weight

27/05 - walk 10.62km (2hrs 8mins) Northcote 714 128

TOTALS: 714 128 0 0 0

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