Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things that make you go mmm...

"Friends, genuine friends, are attracted by a warm heart, not money, not power. A genuine friend considers you as just another human being, as a brother or sister, and shows affection on that level, regardless of whether you are rich or poor, or in a high position; that is a genuine friend."
Dalai Lama

Late last night a good friend sent me the above quote. It could not have come at a better time. I won’t lie I have had a pretty bad few days culminating in a particularly horrible Monday. Sometimes I think that it has to get worse before it gets better and yesterday was nasty.

I have read this quote a couple of times since my friend sent it and it made me realise that there is so much “good” in my life including amazing friends, family and Mark. So while there are dark days there will be far more light days to come.

I know that I am not a bad person nevertheless I know that I am far from perfect. I have made mistakes. I have done things to hurt people whether intentional or not and I am not friends with people for what I can get out of the friendship.

I need to focus more on my day-to-day life and less on things that really have little or no meaning. I need to focus on the things that bring me joy and make me happy. As life is far too short to dwell on the things that I cannot change or the things that make me sad and angry.

So starting today I am going to “choose my attitude” (‘Fish Philosophy’) and start enjoying my life again. I am going to take the time to appreciate the beautiful things and people in this world rather than feeling sad and angry at the darkness and horror of our world. I will walk through rose gardens, I will go to the beach, I will cuddle my cats and ultimately I will appreciate life. Oh and I will have glitter, fairy lights and bubbles...because those things make me happy too.

So thank you to my friend for your wisdom and kindness.

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