Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

1. I was an only child until I was 14 and then I got “instant” biological sisters

2. Most of my friends are people I have met online over the years

3. I love Buffy the Vampire Slayer

4. I have only had 3 boyfriends and the 3rd is now my husband

5. I wanted to be an underwater photographer after watching Jaws

6. I was almost named “Marigold” by my parents

7. I used to call water “ortie”

8. I hate it when people eat with their mouths open

9. When I have PMT I want to hit bad drivers cars with a baseball bat

10. I have nearly had the same birthday cake every year since I was 2 (same recipe)

11. My favourite iPhone App is Period Tracker

12. I desperately want children and have to lose at least 30kg before I can even start trying

13. I love writing and wish I was better at it

14. I like some country of my favourites is Chris Cagle. Chris Cagle’s music makes me sing at the top of my voice out loud.
15. I don’t particularly like bananas as they make me gag...unless in a cake or a banana split

16. I am secretly a fairy princess trapped in this human body!


  1. I've had the same cake for the majority of my birthdays too!!! (the witch cake from australian women's weekly cake book, I dont even like witches!)

  2. @Nichola....*happy claps* mine is from the Australian Women's Weekly Cookbook!!
